Passion and photography

Dedicated in Montenegro

Three weeks ago I started teaching an online class on the art of photography. The class is taught to  students  from all over the world. One student lives in Montenegro and gets up in the middle of the night for the course. I am so proud of him because he is always the first one online and has a deep heartfelt passion for photography.  Sometimes I have to remind myself that it's the middle of the night for him but you'd never know it.

To excel in photography, you must have passion. Actually, to excel in any field,  passion is essential. What are you passionate about? Today,  ask yourself this question and if you are not sure, take the time to do this simple exercise.

Fold a sheet of paper in half and on one side write the word LIKE, then on the other side of the paper write the word LOVE. Now start making a list of all the things you like in life. Maybe it's cooking or going to the opera, or bowling. Now write down all the things you truly love from the deepest part of your heart. Maybe you like to dance, but you love salsa dancing. You like the outdoors, but you love mountain climbing. Once you take the time to do this exercise it will help you find clarity about the things you love. Then right then and there start spending more time doing the things you love.

Always dream big!