Goodbye Mary

Yesterday I learned about the passing of an extraordinary photographer. Mary Ellen Mark was passionate about photography, life and shooting film. I always loved her work and admired her ability to stay current even as the world changed around her. I was fortunate to have the opportunity to meet her several times in my career.

The first time I met Mary Ellen was while working as a photo assistant for the photographer Gregory Heisler. Greg had invited his assistants over for the Christmas holiday and Mary had stopped by. I didn't get a chance to speak with her the first time, but years later we ended up sitting next to each other at the Infinity Awards in New York City.  That night she told me how much she loved film and all the reasons why she felt it was better than digital. She said film had a more organic feel and that she felt digital didn't do her work justice. That night she told me she would never shoot digital, and I am not sure if she ever switched over or not, but I admire her stance and will always remember that night.

R.I.P. Mary