Master Photography Course

Master Your Lens Class & LA Fashion Workshop

Today is the fifth class for the Master Your Lens course. The course is  a six-week photography master class created to teach students how to stand out from the crowd and truly master their photography. 

Earlier in the week I asked a question on social media and received a huge response on Facebook. The question was, what are you struggling with in photography? I was very surprised to learn that most of the areas people are struggling with are taught in the Master Your Lens course. People struggle with creativity, posing, lighting, marketing and fighting to enjoy the business and remember why they got into photography. Today in class I will share the comments with my students so they can see how far they have come in five weeks, and show them the advantage they have now because of the course. If you are interested in taking the next course subscribe to our mailing list for updates on the next course.

We will also announce dates very soon or our Fashion and Beauty workshop  taking place in Los Angeles, California. Stay tuned for more information


Always dream big!